Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The beginning...

There seems to be two kinds of people in the world: those who feel they have nothing to say, though the world earnestly needs to hear their voice, and those who have an opinion on everything and talk so much that not everyone listens to them. I think I fall somewhere in the middle.

There are many thoughts, passing ideas, stirring passions, and speeches I am giving in my head all the time--are they important? Do they need to be heard by the world? Well here it goes....

As a personal goal, as one who is inspired by others' blogs and as a commitment to stewarding my heart and mind and seeing the beauty in life: I start this blog.

This is a place where you can hear my thoughts, enjoy the moments of my life that I share with you, and I hope that in coming to my page, you start to see the moments and thoughts of your own life as--beautiful.

Enjoy the grace of today!
